Help slow or maintain your muscle mass within the first year post op.
You will lose muscle mass with all weight loss programs, bariatric surgery is no different except for the speed at which you lose weight. And it’s the quickness of the weight loss that has your body also shedding a large percentage of muscle mass. Yet if you start adding consistent and progressive strength training into your workouts along with at least 65 grams of protein daily your loss of muscle mass will be reduced.
Quality of your muscle mass is poor strength training can change that
It’s well known that people with obesity have more muscle mass than those who don’t have obesity. The thing is that muscle mass in obese people is of a lower quality. That is the muscle you have is more intertwined with adipose tissue (fat) which in turn makes it less effective. So while you may have more muscle, the muscle you have isn’t as strong or as efficient as with a higher quality muscle (less fat running through it)

Low quality muscle leads to low quality movement
More quality muscle helps with the uptake of glucose which helps with diabetes
Muscle is one of the biggest users of glucose and the more quality muscle you have and use the more glucose your body can use. Which in turn can help reduce type 2 diabetes. While most people see a complete reversal of their type 2 diabetes after surgery it has shown to recur in about 12% of WLS patients [1]. It is especially higher in patients that have had type 2 diabetes for many years. One way that may help reduce this chance of this recurrence is to start putting more strength training into your workout program. Building up your muscle mass after bariatric surgery help with glucose uptake.

Diabetes recurs in 12% of WLS patients
Muscle mass is the largest contributor to your metabolism
Another reason to add strength training into your weight loss journey is it’s ability to keep your resting metabolic rate high. That is the amount of energy you need to maintain all the functions of your body – including your muscles – is greater. With a higher metabolic rate your body will need to burn more calories to keep everything going right. This of course can help you reduce the amount of body fat your body will hold on to.

More Muscle means a higher Metabolism
Feeling stronger goes a long way to making you feel better about yourself
There is something to be said for just feeling better. Getting all that excess fat off is a good start. Joints and low back feel less pain which is great, yet building muscles you start to feel more positive about yourself. Seeing more definition in your arms and legs has a positive effect on your wellbeing. I know it sounds odd, but it’s always nice to see the results of your labor and it can help you keep going.
More muscle helps make daily living easier
Having more quality muscle makes your life easier. Being able to move up and down stairs carrying a full laundry basket is less tiring, getting up and down off the floor becomes an easier task when you are stronger, picking up your child is easier, going on a long hike becomes doable. Of all the reasons I’ve shared this is the one that I think is the most important. It is all about the quality of your life. What you can do to make it a good and happy life. If you have the strength to do everything you want to do then you are on a great track.

Day to day chores become easier
This should give you an idea of why you need to add strength training into your weight loss journey. If that feels a bit foreign or intimidating to you download my eBook on how to set up a simple and effective workout program. And if you ever have any questions please feel free to reach out
Geof has been working with bariatric surgery clients for over a decade. His goal with Coaching For Bariatric Success is to give you the tools to make your weight loss successful for the long term.